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Bartenieff, Irmgard. "Contributions of Effort/Shape to technique and style in dance." Proceeds of ninth annual conference on creative teaching of dance. New York : 1965.

_____. "Dance therapy : a new profession or a rediscovery of an ancient role of the dance?" Dance score, Fall/Winter 1972/73, p. 6-18.

_____. "Effort-Shape in teaching ethnic dance." New dimensions in dance research : anthropology and dance-- the American Indian, ed. Tamara Comstock. Proceedings of the third conference on research in dance, March 26 - April 2, 1972, Tucson, Arizona, NY : Committee on Research in Dance (CORD), 1972.

_____. Effort observation and effort assessment in rehabilitation. New York : Dance Notation Bureau, 1962.

_____. "Functional approach to early treatment of poliomyelitis." Physical Therapy Review, vol. 35, no. 12, December 1955.

_____. Notes on a course in Correctives. New York : Dance Notation Bureau, 1970.

_____. "Research in anthropology : a study of dance styles in primitive cultures." Research in dance : problems and possibilities. New York : Committee on Research in Dance (CORD), 1967.

_____, and Martha Davis. "An analysis of the movement behavior within a group psychotherapy session," paper presented at the conference of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, January 1968.

_____, _____. "Effort/Shape analysis of movement : the unity of expression and function." Research approaches to movement and personality. New York : Arno Press, 1972.

_____, _____, and Forrestine Paulay. Four adaptations of Effort Theory in research and teaching. New York : Dance Notation Bureau, 1970.

_____, and Forrestine Paulay. "Dance as cultural expression." Dance : an art in academe. Edited by M. Haberman and T.G. Meisel. New York : Teachers College Press, Columbia University, 1970.

_____, _____. "Choreometric profiles." Folk song style and culture by Alan Lomax. Washington D.C. : American Association for the Advancement of Science, publication no. 88, 1968.

_____, and Lucy Venable. "Training the teacher's eye." Proceedings of the tenth annual Conference of Creative Teaching of Dance. New York: 1966.

Cohen, Lynn Renee. "An inquiry into the use of Effort/Shape analysis in the exploration of leadership in small groups : a systems view," unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1975.

Davis, Flora. Inside intuition : what we know about nonverbal communication. New York : The New American Library, 1973.

_____. "Clinical implications of body movement research." International Mental Health Research Newsletter 15 (1), Spring 1973.

Davis, Martha. Methods of perceiving patterns of small group behavior. New York : Dance Notation Bureau, 1976.

_____. "Movement characteristics of hospitalized psychiatric patients." Proceedings of the fifth annual Conference of the American Dance Therapy Association. New York, 1970.

_____. "The potential of nonverbal communication research for research in dance." CORD (Committee on Research in Dance) News 6(1) : 10-28, November 1973.

_____. Towards understanding the intrinsic in body movement. New York : Arno Press, 1975. (reprint of Ph.D. dissertation, Yeshiva University, 1973).

_____. Understanding body movement : an annotated bibliography. New York : Arno Press, 1972.

_____, and Claire Schmais. "An analysis of the style and composition of Water Study." Research in dance : problems and possibilities. New York : Committee on Research in Dance (CORD), 1967.

Dell, Cecily. "A language for movement." Music Journal, October 1966.

_____. A primer for movement description : using Effort/Shape and supplementary concepts. New York : Dance Notation Bureau, 1970.

_____. Space Harmony : basic terms. Revised by Aileen Crow. New York : Dance Notation Bureau, 1970.

Jablonko, Allison Peters. "Dance and daily activities among the Maring people of New Guinea : a cinematographic analysis of body movement style," unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1968.

Jooss, Kurt. "Rudolf von Laban on his 60th birthday." The dancing times. December 1939, p. 129-131.

Kalosh, Beth Isaacs. "Body movement scale for autistic and other atypical children : and exploratory study using a normal group and an atypical group," unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Bryn Mawr College, 1976.

Kestenberg, Judith S. "The history of an 'autistic' child." Journal of Child Psychiatry, vol. 2, no. 1, April 1954.

_____. The role of movement patterns in development. New York : Dance Notation Bureau, 1967.

_____, et. al. Children and parents : psychoanalytic studies in development. New York : Jason Aaronson, 1975.

Laban, Rudolf. The language of Movement : a guidebook to Choreutics. Annotated and edited by Lisa Ullman. Boston : Plays, Inc., 1974 (1966).

_____. A life for dance : reminiscences. Transcribed and annotated by Lisa Ullmann. London : Macdonald & Evans, 1975.

_____. The mastery of movement. 3rd edition, revised by Lisa Ullmann. Boston : Plays, Inc., 1971 (1950).

_____. Modern educational dance. 3rd edition, revised by Lisa Ullmann. London : Macdonald & Evans, 1975 (1948).

_____, and F.C. Lawrence. Effort : economy in body movement. 2nd edition. Boston : Plays, Inc., 1974 (1947).

Lamb, Warren. Posture and gesture : an introduction to the study of physical behavior. London : Gerald Duckworth & Co., 1965.

_____, and David Turner. Management Behavior. New York : International University Press, 1969.

Lomax, Alan, Irmgard Bartenieff, and Forrestine Paulay. "Choreometrics  : a method for the study of cross-cultural pattern in film," Sonderdruck aus Research Film 6 : 515-17, 1969. (reprinted in New dimentions in dance research…—see Bartenieff above).

Main Currents. "The significance of movement." Vol. 31 (1), 1974, whole issue (articles on Laban theory by M. Davis, M. North, I Bartenieff, &c.).

North, Marion. Personality assessment through movement. London : Macdonald & Evans, 1972.

Otte-Betz, Irma. "The work of Rudolf von Laban." Dance observer. Part I, December 1938, p. 147 ; part II, January 1939, p. 161-2 ; part III, March 1939, p. 189-190.

Preston-Dunlop, Valerie. A handbook for modern educational dance. London : Macdonald & Evans, 1963.

_____. "A notation system for recording observable motion." International journal of man-machine studies (1969) pp. 361-386.

_____. Practical Kinetography Laban. London : Macdonald & Evans, 1969 ; New York : Dance Horizons, 1970.

Ramsden, Pamela. Top team planning. London : Cassell and Co. Ltd. (Associated Business Programmers Ltd.), 1973. (Lamb's methodology).

Schmais, Claire and Elissa Q. White. "Movement analysis : a must for dance therapists." American dance therapy association proceedings, fourth annual conference, 1969.

Siegel, Marcia B. At the vanishing point. New York : Saturday Review Press, 1972.

_____. "Effort/Shape and the therapeutic community." Dance Magazine, June 1968.

_____. "Gesture as language." Ballet review, III : 5, 1971, pp. 55-63.

_____. "Training as audience for dance." Arts in society. Summer, 1967.

Thornton, Samuel. Laban's theory of movement : a new perspective. Boston : Plays, Inc., 1971.

Youngerman, Susanne. "The translation of a culture into choreography  : a critical appraisal of The Shakers through the use of Laban-analysis," paper presented at the Fifth CORD (Committee on Research in Dance) conference, Philadelphia, November 11-14, 1976.

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